Health & Maternity Center Nakasongola, Uganda
Our Lady of Lourdes Health & Maternity Center provides essential medical services to a population of over 150,000 people. Doctors and nurses treat a variety of illnesses, including malaria, typhoid, diarrhea, and other waterborne diseases. Additionally, the clinic offers prenatal care and support to expectant mothers. Since opening in 2021, the clinic has overseen the delivery of more than 1,500 babies, including hundreds of successful C-section procedures. Beyond direct patient care, the clinic has also generated employment opportunities for healthcare workers. Furthermore, the clinic has established an outreach program that brings vital medical services directly to remote villages in the surrounding region.
With your generous support the Zimu Foundation is helping underprivileged people and saving lives.
The members of the Zimu Foundation embarked on fundraising efforts and received generous donations to support this cause. However, due to limited funding sources, we executed the project in phases. We initiated the construction process by excavating the clinic's footings, followed by erecting the walls, and completing the exterior construction by adding the roof and windows. Ultimately the interior was completed and furnished with medical equipment.
The new clinic has a maternity wing, prenatal labor ward, postnatal rooms, a surgical section, and offices for doctors and nurses. People of this area will no longer have to deliver babies in their homes or risk journey of up to 50 miles in search of better healthcare services.
Workmen installing a clean water reclamation system at Our Lady of Lourdes Health & Maternity Center in Nakasongola, Uganda. Access to clean, reliable water is critical for human health and development, yet many communities in Uganda lack this basic necessity. Studies show students often devote more time to fetching water than to their studies, and waterborne illnesses are a major public health issue. To address this problem, our Safe Water Program constructs water systems equipped with filtration technology in underserved schools, healthcare facilities, places of worship, and other institutions, while also ensuring the long-term sustainability of these systems through proper management. By expanding access to safe drinkable water and with your generous donations our goal is to improve the quality of life, enable children to focus on their education, and reduce the burden of waterborne disease - delivering this vital resource to those in need.